Friday, 7 August 2015

More Good News

Some more good news this morning. Liam is starting to feel better again. 

He is taking some tablets for his blood pressure which seem to be helping to drop it down, it has been steadily dropping each day and before too much longer should be within safe the "normal" range again. And his exercises for his vertigo seem to be working, either that or his body is adapting to it, because he says each day he feels a little better. 

So we are heading off to the boat tonight after work to have a relaxing weekend afloat. Well I say that, we have to be back in Sheffield on Saturday evening for a family party, but I have said that I will drive us there and back and not bother having a drink, I can have one when we get back and we can then enjoy a full day at the boat on Sunday. I'm sure I will make up for the lack on drinking on Saturday!

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