Friday, 17 April 2015

A Bleeding Nuisance

So it was back to more boring expenditure last night, a pair of rear brake calipers for the Nissan. How very exciting.

The original ones have been playing up for a little while, they worked fine with the foot brake but were not working with the hand brake very well, sometimes one side worked, sometimes the other side worked and sometimes neither of them worked at all. The lever mechanisms that operate the hand brake were sticking on or off.

So the decision was taken to replace them as it was becoming a bit of a nuisance factor, especially in Sheffield with it's many hills and steep streets where the hand brake is a useful aid.

Fitting the calipers went relatively smoothly, as well as can be expected when removing ten year old mechanical items in fact. Even refitting the new ones went well, until that is it was time to bleed them up, which they point blank refused to do.

We got as much air out as possible last night but this morning on the way to work the brakes were really not working as they should, so the car is back in the garage again where Liam hopes to have them bled up during his lunch hour with the help of his work mates.

Fingers crossed it works this time.

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