Monday 13 February 2017


Despite the wind and rain we had a fairly productive weekend and we have hopefully, weather dependent, set ourselves up to finish on time in the next couple of weekends.

The epoxy filler had finally gone off on the hull so between rain showers Liam set about rubbing it down and dotting in a few last minor bits. The weather is set to be fairly mild this week so by next weekend the last of the repairs will be ready to rub down and get some primer on ready for a coat of antifoul once the hull is polished.

Whilst it was raining we set about some inside jobs. I cleared out the whole of the galley, thoroughly deep cleaned it all and then sorted through the assortment of odds and ends of food and decided what was worth keeping and what could be resigned to the bin. In the end most of it went in the bin.

Liam kept himself busy replacing the remote control to the cockpit LED lights, again. This time they work perfectly. While busy wiring in the remote behind the dashboard he also found a few wires that were corroded and needed replacing so he has done that as well.

Liams next job was wiring in the new bilge pump. The plastic cover of the old one got damaged last summer so it was time to replace the pump. He has however noticed that the float switch is also broken so I have ordered another one to replace it with next week.

The last of the jobs were outside jobs so done rather quickly on Sunday given the freezing cold and rain. One of the stern drive trim rams has been removed as it has developed and ever so slight hydraulic fluid leak. Liam will replace the seals this week at work and refit the ram next weekend. The final job was fitting the new trim tab ram bellows. A tiny job but important none the less.

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