Thursday 2 February 2017

More Freight

This week there has been an announcement from the Canal and Rivers Trust that a deal has been struck for more freight to start working along the Aire and Calder once more.

The official notice is here below:

"Canal & River Trust are pleased to announce a new freight operation on the Aire & Calder Navigation.

The operation is due to start week commencing 20th February between Fleet Lane upstream of Lemonroyd Lock and Goole. In the initial stages we are expecting approximately 2 freight barges per week.

Any skippers planning passage on the Aire & Calder Navigation who require information on freight barge movements can contact the NE Administration team by calling 0303 0404040 or by email at the following address"

This will now mean that there are three commercial boats once more working their trade on this waterway. A waterway built for these big working vessels but that has been distinctly lacking in commercial traffic for a few years at least.

Plans are also afoot for yet more commercial traffiic on the Aire and Calder which should hopefully make it the once more commercially busy waterway that it once was. Great news for the trade and great news for the leisure craft who also share these waterways, as with the extra commercial traffic will come extra expenditure on the waterway. Good news all round.

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