Friday, 18 March 2016


We pressed on a little further with the painting in the hallway last night. The majority of the lower wall cladding is now in it's first coat of white paint, a primer coat if you like. There are just a couple of very small areas in the lower hallway area that need the first coat applying.

Here are a few shots to give you an idea of just how much cladding there has been to cut, fix and paint.

 From the top of the stairs looking down. There is also a small section of wall to the left at the side of where I am stood.

 From the top of the stairs looking down.

From the bottom looking up.

The bottom landing.

And this is not all of it. The three walls you can't see on the bottom landing are also clad. This has turned into a much bigger project then we expected but at long last we can start to see some real progress.

Next week we aim to get some gloss on the picture rail and on the door frames and it will then be time to think about sanding back the inside of the front door and applying some white paint to this also. Hopefully that will lighten up the hallway no end.

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