Wednesday 13 February 2013


Ok so who reckons that they can't cook? I have been shocked recently by the amount of people who claim not to have the basic skills to throw a few ingredients into a pan and rustle up a home cooked meal for themselves, their families and their children. What sort of country is this when people rely on convenience food? And look where that has led.

I was never taught to cook as such. Ok we had some home economics classes at school but that was pretty much the limit of it. But the urge to feed myself and my partner good honest food led me down the path of discovery.

Yes it was very much trial and error in the early days, probably more error than trial but by persevering we have managed between us to build up a good long list of meals which we can both cook, quickly, cheaply and more importantly healthily with a good mix of fresh meat and vegetables.

According to some it is cheaper to feed a family on ready meals. How can it be? Fresh fruit vegetables and meat are not expensive and you can get many meals from your produce. A roast chicken for example can feed a family of four their main meals for three days. A ready made lasagne ( probably compete with horse meat) can not.

Is this a case of bad education or is it purely that we are growing into a nation of lazy people? Obesity and other health related issues are on the rise. Is there any wonder given the incredibly poor diets eaten by some. Where is the education on healthy eating? And should more be done to price out convenience food and make home cooked meals the easiest option?


  1. Great blog - love reading. Ive said it for years, I don't think it's fat as such that is causing obesity but all the additives and rubbish in ready prepared stuff. None of it tastes that good anyway and is always better home made!

    Take are, keep up the blogging :)

  2. Thank you.

    Should hopefully have some cruising based blogs to write soon!
