We are starting to think about hunkering down for the winter, bringing winter clothing, winter bedding, winter night clothes and starting to clear out the summer items such as fold up chairs for the bank side, BBQ’s, and summer games equipment. Even little things like the emergency rations cupboard are getting a clear out. We have accrued a fine selection of tinned “emergency” food over the summer cruising season and it is time to start using it up, discarding anything past its best or unlikely to be eaten any time soon, and generally clearing out the cupboard space ready for stocking up again with fresh stock next spring in time for the main cruising season.
We will still cruise locally during the winter months but we will always have one eye on the weather forecast. We don’t want to get caught out and frozen in away from our home berth or caught out by rising river levels and stranded on a flooded river. We have been here before and it isn’t a pleasant experience. That said we will still enjoy our winter cruises. There is something quite pleasing about cruising down the river in a nice warm boat with the frost on the ground and snowflakes falling from the clouds whilst clasping a steaming cup of hot soup. Winter cruising takes on a whole different look from the more popular summer cruising season but it is still equally enjoyable and with a little extra care on icy pontoons and frosty river banks is equally as rewarding. The rivers are quieter, the scenery stunning and the weather despite being cold at times can also give some fabulously sunny and still days. The summer boaters really do miss out at times but shhh, don’t let them all know.
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