Saturday morning and it was 9am before we rose, almost unheard of for us. We are usually early birds. After a couple of cups of coffee and a hot shower we set sail in the direction of Lincoln to do the weekends shopping. We didn’t see another boat on the move all morning barring the Brayford trip boat, Brayford Belle, on one of her last runs for the season. After a spot of shopping and some breakfast we headed back to the boat for more coffee and a dinnertime beer before setting sail once more. Upon reaching the marina entrance we were having so much fun that we carried on, enjoying the quiet river. We moored at Saxilby for the afternoon, enjoying the late season sunshine with a few beers and a couple of magazines. Eventually we decided to head back to the marina where we found plenty of people willing to help us drink some supplies. We somehow managed to squeeze eight people into the cockpit of Naughty-Cal.
Sunday morning and we are even later out of bed, 10am. With the wind whistling outside and the water lapping at the hull there was no great rush to get up. We wouldn’t be going anywhere by boat today. So after a couple of coffees we head off to Newark Marina in the car, to have a browse of their brokerage and a surprise meet up with some friends who had just arrived by boat. At about lunchtime we decided to head back to our own boat for a spot of brunch, time was flying by and we had not eaten yet. After a bite to eat we were both getting a little bored so we decided to take Asbo, the dinghy, for a little spin. She hasn’t been used for a while, in fact since we came back from Boston, so it was a great surprise when she fired up at the first pull of the cord, eager to set sail. A quick spin around the marina and we had our boating fix for the day. Happy that Asbo was still in fine fettle. Then it was time to get ready for dinner. We were heading to the Chinese restaurant at the Marina, Harbour City. It has been a while since we last ate at Harbour City so it was time to change that. Sunday to Thursday they have a great all you can eat offer for £12.50, but not the usual buffet rubbish, this is proper food from the menu. You can have two starters, a main and a side included in the price, then any extra that you order you have to eat it all, otherwise you will be charged full price. We all struggled with the first food we had ordered, there was loads of it and eating it with chopsticks made for hard work. At £12.50 it is a real bargain and we will certainly be going back. It didn’t feel like long before we were rolling into a warm bed, another weekend over and done with far too quickly.
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