First up will be installing the snap davits. This will be by no means an easy task and will involve gaining access to the transom of the boat, right behind the engine. Still it needs to be done so there is no point complaining. Secondly we will have to attach the davit pads to the dinghy. Again no easy task as they have to be positioned correctly to keep the dinghy central about the stern of Naughty-Cal.
With these tasks completed the OH can then install the outboard bracket. Again this job needs access to the transom right behind the engine. The outboard for the dinghy will then be locked to the bracket with and outboard lock for safe transporting and also whilst moored on our home berth to deter any potential thieves, not that we have a crime issue at the marina mind you, but better to be safe than sorry.
Whilst the OH is doing battle with various bits of stainless steel I have plumped for the job of hand polishing the topsides. The machine polisher we used on the hull sides won’t physically fit into the available gap between the bow rails and coach roof so it’s a manual polish for this area. A once over with T-Cut to remove the stubborn staining, then a once over with Autoglym Super Resin Polish to bring back the shine and finally a good coat or two of Carnauba Wax to lock in the shine and protect the gel coat. This should then finally be the last of this year’s polishing.
Next the canopies are in desperate need of a good clean up. This will be my job again as the OH will still be in battle with some piece of stainless steel or another. Over the winter period the canopies have started to get a little green around the edges, so a mild solution of EVM and a scrubbing brush will sort them so that they look respectable again. Hopefully the canopy maker will eventually get around to finishing our hood repairs and we can get Cal looking almost as good as new again. The canopies will require a good dose of Fabsil but that can wait until we come back from our Easter break.
Lastly the cabin interior will be ready for a quick once over. With fresh bedding and clean curtains, bathroom fettled, galley gleaming and a quick vac just to ensure she is looking spic and span, ready for the off. Can’t be setting off with a dirty boat that would never do.
It would be nice if at some point this weekend we can actually get out and use Naughty-Cal, even if it is just a small run to the pub for a quick beer. We shall see I suppose. No great loss if we cannot as we have a whole eleven days afloat starting next Thursday evening after work, hooray......
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