Thursday 1 December 2016

Switched On

As we are having the cockpit upholstery retrimmed it is time to have a look at tidying up a few other bits and bobs in the cockpit area.

The next item on the list is the dashboard switches. Over the years the symbols on them have faded and some of them are now completely worn away.

So I have ordered a brand new full set of switches from Seabridge Marine which should be delivered today in time to fit them at the weekend. It is only a small job but should improved the appearance of the dashboard no end.

Liam also plans to bring home the sun cover for the chart plotter which seems to have suffered quite a bit of sun damage itself. We have no idea what has happened too it. It has always been in much worse condition then the Tridata sun cover since we bought the boat. Liam has some grey textured plastics paint at work which should improve the appearance of it. It probably won't be a perfect match to the other sun cover but it will look better then it's current faded state.


  1. So paint them both. Its well to be seen you both look after your boat. She still looks a little beauty. Well done!
