At last, after what seems like an eternity (but was only six weeks in reality) we have running water onboard Naughty-Cal. It has been a bit of a novelty really to turn on the taps and find water running from them.
We replaced the damaged water pump on Saturday and with some trepidation switched on the water pump switch hoping the system would pressurize and no additional leaks would become evident. After bleeding the system through, which in itself took the best part of a tank of water, we sat back and listened for the pump. Silence. At last our luck is in and the plumbing seems sound.
The next task was finding a tap in the marina with running water. Our pontoon water supply is still switched off due to burst supply pipes. Luckily the tap on the fuelling pontoon was still switched on. Now how to get her there. The marina is once again frozen over, but after a couple of hours of sunshine it has thawed enough to let us out and across to the fuel berth. We quickly refilled the tank before rebleeding the system then refilling once again. We now have no air and a fresh supply of water in the tank.
One thing this period without running water has highlighted is just how much water we use in a day. We hope that this period of minor inconvenience may have helped us reduce our onboard water consumption.
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