The final planning for our next trip is well underway. The waypoints for Boston to Southwold will be added to the chart plotter over the coming weekend. The routes mapped out and stored in the plotters. Then it will be time to sit down with the charts and plan out any bolt holes we may have in case of worsening weather. Always a concern at sea.
This coming weekend doesn’t look to have fantastic weather which will give us an opportunity to sort out a few little niggles and odd jobs, but will also give us a chance to relax and unwind and enjoy some quiet time aboard. Something we seem to have been lacking of late.
It will be time for the diesel run again this weekend. It is a seemingly never ending job at the moment. We left for Wells with a full tank of diesel and refilled in Wells to ensure a full tank for the return journey. Refilling the tank took 85 litres which was more than expected as last year we used 73 litres to do the same trip plus an additional trip out “fishing”. We are now ready for about 80 litres again. Last years diesel count was 923 litres at a cost of £696. This year as we are doing more sea trips and the cost of diesel is somewhat more so we expect this figure to be considerably higher. Already we have bought 525 litres at a cost of £486 and this is before our main holiday of the year!
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