We have found that quite inadvertently we are eating more
and more vegetarian meals. First it was the sausages, we couldn’t find a decent
meat based sausage that we enjoyed so tried a Mediterranean style vegetarian
sausage that we have found we really like. So now any sausage based meals we
have are made with the veggie version.
Then it was mince. We all know that steak mince or beef
mince isn’t great for us, so on the back of the sausage success we tried
vegetarian mince. Guess what? We like that too. So now we prepare most of our
mince based products with veggie mince instead. We still have some steak and
turkey mince in the freezer but now only use this for a treat.
The yesterday we decided to try vegetarian chicken style
pieces. I prepared a fresh Thai red curry and you honestly could not tell the
difference. So I guess vegetarian chicken will now be a staple ingredient of
many a meal.
Are we slowly turning veggie? Well the honest answer has to be no. We both
enjoy meat but limiting the amount we eat and finding healthier substitutes
can’t harm anything.